The Forest is Alive

I cross into the wilderness and step foot on to the crunchy orange-red leaves. I further myself from civilization until none is visible. I begin to shake and little dots pop out of my thin skin. I decide to make warmth with logs and friction, and am mildly succesful. My eyes drift up to the dark sky as a black bird swoops across the stars, and embers float in the subtle breeze. As soon as my eyelids begin to close off my pupils sight, I hear a crackle from above. Suddenly a torrent of flames blaze upon the tree above me, then stretch to the other trees around itself. I reach into my brain for what my instructors have told me to do, but I can’t grasp a word. I decide to look for a water source but not one can be found. A burst of adrenaline shoots into me and my legs start moving. My ears catch a cracking sound above me just before gravity takes the oak on flames into my fiery path. I turn and run into the same conflict. Stuck in bowl of fire.
The forest is alive

These shoes

Across the beach,

Around bends,

Over streams,

Through the hallways,

Up the rock walls,

Through the caves,

Into trouble,

Out of trouble,

Down the football field,

Across the basketball court,

These shoes have taken me on adventures I will never forget